
Dear Tom

Well done

You seem to have done really well, are you pleased?

How were the stress levels? I hope your family were impressed....

It was a shame about the Yorkshire puddings, butt i guess you can't always have it all.

Cooking looks harder than it is I think, I mean it is really a matter of common sense and a good dollop of confidence, with a helping of good recipes on the side and perhaps a sauce of skill on the side.

A Christmas dinner is a rather big place to start, but now that you have that completed then cooking anything else should be easy!

That said, maybe if you want to continue learning then with more time on our hands we should go back to basics?

Yours, optimistically,


P.s You can thank the Pagans for the timing of the winter festival!  Thank the Christians for adopting the festival to celebrate the birth of Jesus. Thank the Victorians for all the frivolities. And thank God for Jesus

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