Turkey lurkey or goosey loosey?

Dear Ruth,

Thank you for taking me on as a Christmas apprentice, you won’t regret it, I won’t let you down, I’ve got what it takes to get to the top. Don’t fire me, it wasn’t me who got the wrong ingredients.

How much of a Christmas dinner have I cooked?

Gravy (Bisto)

The Christmas kitchen has always been the domain of the parents – my dad the turkey, my mum the rest. One year my dad bought a turkey bigger than the oven. So not only are you battling years of inexperience, it’s in the genes too…

But I have bold ideas. Succulent goose with mouth watering crispy skin. Or maybe game. What about that 10 bird orgy that Hugh Fernley does?

I did mention this to my mum, who suggested beef to be on the safe side. There's a bit of faith for you. But stubborn as ever and not one to shirk a challenge I now feel I have a point to prove...what do you suggest?

The thought of the meat is getting the juices going. Tonight I could practice something, er, actually make that tomorrow, I’m out tonight…

Yours gamely


1 comment:

  1. Tom, I really don't think you should be calling your dad a turkey!
